since this is my blog, and i can do what i want with it (or nothing at all if the last year is any indication), i'm thinking about blogging more about running (i'm training for the seattle rock and roll marathon in june, so that is constant on my mind). i spose i could do a shopping-for-running-accessories blog...that might be a nice marriage of the old and new. :-)
either way, i think im going to try and write here a little more often. *try*
nothing compares to new workout gear for motivational purposes. since this last round of running started, i've found that a lot of my stuff was pretty worn looking and sweat stain-ed, so i've been doing a little sprucing up of my "kit" (bought a UK version of runner's world, and they must have used the word kit no less than 100 times.)
for the fashionistas :-), here's some new lululemon: unicorn tears stratus wunder unders, iris wee stripe in-stride jacket, pink (forget the name) swiftly tee (hard to see).