karen and i had signed to up to do a couple of races this weekend (of COMMEMORATIVE cup fame)(which failed to materialize, tho i DID get a pretty sweet coozie... so all is not lost) first up was a 5k on saturday (new PR of 24:19) and today was a 5 miler (new PR of 40:55). the 5k was cooler but hilly, and the 5 miler was flat but HOT. so i was kind of in pain both days. (as you shall sooooon see). karen didn't end up running either race due to super annoying ongoing calf issues, but her huz dave took her place in the 5k, so that was cool.
i'm not very good at race reports, and since i had a built in race photographer, i'm going to let the pictures from this weekend do the story telling.
we started both races feeling fresh and fine!
the gun went off *bam* and away we went!
then we finished! and boy were we tired. like really tired.
(do i have the best running pain look you've ever seen, or what?)
i wasn't the only one that was tired tho.
and then it was time for post race food and drink! and we were feeling (pretty) fresh and fine again!
have a great memorial day all!!!