Monday, May 2, 2011

wallis sands half marathon - race report

since i don't blog as much as i should, i never actually included a post about my goals for this race. let me start with those.

i actually had a few levels of goals for this race:

a) run a smart race/don't die and/or finish in under 2 hours - this was my bare minimum goal
b) beat my previous best time (1:54:15) from the last race i ran, 2 years ago, right before i fell of the running wagon
c) better than 1:50:00 -this was def a stretch goal

the conditions on race day were pretty much perfect. very light wind, temperature was 50 at the start and 57 at the finish, flat course, and beautiful scenery -along the ocean for about 4 miles total

my plan was to run the first mile in 9, the second in 8:45 and then the rest at or under 8:30. i did pretty well with this plan (alright, re-looking at my splits, i may have been a bit fast) , right until the 9 mile mark or so, and then the wheels just fell off.

Mile Split time Split pace Elev. chg.
1 8:46 8:47 +3
2 8:29 8:29 +2
3 8:18 8:18 +16
4 8:13 8:14 +231 (wow, faster mile, biggest hill. hmmmm)
5 8:23 8:24 -167
6 8:19 8:19 -10
7 8:40 8:41 -8
8 8:37 8:37 -18
9 8:45 8:46 -10
10 9:00 9:01 -29
11 9:27 9:28 +17 (stopped to drink some gatorade)
12 9:17 9:18 +27
13 9:09 9:09 -66
0.1 0:50 8:25 +32

total time 1:54:55

in hindsight, i'm sure i just went out too fast, but i'm not actually upset that i did because it gave me the chance to try; to get to my goal pace and see how long i actually could hold it for. i'm really proud that i ran as fast as i did for as long as i did and it gives me a very attainable goal for the future: work on my stamina for miles 10-13 and hold that pace! i totally think i can do that.

so lets see. i sort of met goal A. i was pretty darn close to goal B. and goal C, well, ya know.

and oh, this race also reminded me that i need to work on my positive talk. if kara's mantra is "fighter" and mine is "i wanna die, just let it be over", then i can see why i'm not a world class athlete. :)

--hope to post pics soon. the race website is being soooo slow in posting them

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