Monday, July 11, 2011

try the tri - week 1

i'm back with my long awaited first triathlon race report.  yay! 
"try the tri" is a weekly event put on by my local tri club (trifury) that goes for 10 weeks throughout the summer.  its a very low key "race" if you would even call it that, but it is super well organized and i was really, really impressed with it, and the members of trifury (who i'm slowly meeting more of).  the race consists of a 400 meter swim, 10 mile bike and 2 mile run. 

here i am at the start with josh and also an uber flattering pic of me with my mentor, robin, and my fellow mentee, judy.

the swim course was pretty easy for me...must be my few good years of high school swimming have managed to carry over.  i was 2nd out of the water which was cool!  i could get used to total swim domination!

swim time:7:50
t1 time: 1:48

not having any idea of what to expect in the transitions, i think my time was ok.  i didn't try to put my shirt on over my helmet or anything too crazy, but i also didn't have a wetsuit to take off, so time will tell on the transitions. 

bike time: 37:32

and then the bike happened, and i proceeded to get past by everyone and their mother.  definitely my weakest sport but maybe the new road bike (woohoo) i bought over the weekend will inspire more riding!

t2 time: 1:15
run time: 17:38

the running was actually the hardest part for me, since it took a good mile of the two total for my legs to start feeling like legs again.  brick workouts here i come!!

total time: 1:06:03

i am definitely doing this again!  i think there are at least 5 more weeks left, so 5 more weeks to get my time under 1 hour.  i'm secretly (or not so secretly) trying to recruit peeps to do this series with me, so if you are even remotely interested, let me know so i can railroad you into it.  :)

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