i know lesportsac has been around for a long time, but for some reason, i'm kind of a little obsessed with it lately. it may stem from my need for organization, or my longing for travel (somewhere, anywhere, please), but i just can't get enough of the clean lines and cute patterns.
i got this one for my favorite co-worker's birthday this saturday

and of course, i had to get something for myself

and there are more than a few more i'm eyeing:
love the snakeskin!!

would work well in my purse

reminds me of tokidoki crazed tweens, but i'm oddly drawn to it

what do you think? am i just getting old, or is lesportsac cool again?
You're so friggin cool Gwendy! I'm flattered that you think of me as your favorite co-worker. The feeling is definitely mutual. And the thought of you as an "aspiring bostonian" just bums me out. Not sure how I'll go on at exciting GD without you. :o(