Wednesday, July 13, 2011

a non running post! non runners rejoice!

some of you may remember the bunny incident from last month.  in case you don't, a quick recap....

we discovered a bunny hole in the corner of our backyard when josh accidentally ran it over with the lawn mower.  (not to fret (at least at this point) they were not killed (at least not at this point)).  at first i was very anti-bunny and wanted to exterminate them using various cruel methods, but over the course of the next few days, i found myself checking on them frequently and trying to keep the dogs away.  i say trying, because on about day 3, i failed, and nala, the big bad bunny killer that she is, decided to chomp on one.  welllll, the thinking is that the smell of bunny blood scared the mother away, because she never returned, and even tho the bunnies were progressing quite nicely and were up and about around the hole, they eventually died a dehydrated death on about day 5 of bunny watch '11.  sad, i know.

anyhow, that brings us to our more happy story of the day.  my redemption song, if you will.

there has been a very persistent bird, who despite my knocking down of her first nest attempt (pre-bunny) has rebuilt and hatched herself some cute little baby birds.  because i am a newly reformed animal liker (not yet lover), i told mama bird that i would leave her nest intact until her babes were grown enough to leave the nest, but after that, all bets were off.  i've been keeping progress on the little things, and yesterday i was able to snatch a cute pic while mom was away getting food stuffs (at least i presume... she could have been off partying and getting a "bella vita" tattoo, but i'll have faith)

just wanted to share!  hope you are having a less hot and humid week than moi!

1 comment:

  1. I like the remark about partying and La Bella Vita tattoo. Where was the birdies' nest.

    And did Nala actually eat the poor bunny or just maul it?

    Lovies, U NO Hoo
